
Overcoming the price objection in direct sales

Want to know the key to making tons of money?

Then learn how to sell value over price. The key to buying decisions is gaining value during the presentation experience. Buyers want to be taught HOW they can get more for less. If you simple hang the jewelry on a wall at a home party or trade show and then step back and read a book…your customers will have a retail experience. They will be impressed with the beauty of the jewelry but would never appreciate the concept and the infinite value...and the result is lower sales, more frustration, and less success!

Highly successful direct sales professionals understand that their company relies on brand reputation and margin to maintain leadership and viability in the industry. As designers, you build long-term, highly profitable relationships when you sell value over price, because customers are more than willing to pay a premium for someone or something that truly delivers extra value to them. That is why it is so important for sales professionals to understand what the customer truly values.

·  Focus on helping the customer meet her needs rather than simply trying to sell them whatever your flavor of the month is. In order to do that effectively, you have to become highly skilled at asking your customer the right questions and listening carefully to make sure you understand their answers.

The challenge faced by most sales professionals is that customers cannot recognize (presale) the value of your solution without your help. When the customer does not clearly understand your value, they will focus on the one thing they do understand, which always comes down to price.

Many sales professionals are not very effective in this area. If they attempt to discuss value with the customer at all, they tend to say things like:
This product will help you look beautiful and have more jewelry to choose from
This “feature” will do this, and that “feature” will do that

As important as these points are to make, they don’t go far enough because they don’t clearly spell out the ultimate value of what is being offered. Selling value requires that salespeople have the ability to justify – in terms that the customer cares about – how the customer will benefit from their solution. Unless the sales professional can deliver this message and connect the dots very clearly, they leave the customer no choice but to view their solution as just another commodity where price becomes the only consideration.

Action Items:
  •   Try writing two or three different “Feature-Advantages-Benefits” statements that will connect your products and services to the typical needs of the customers you work with. Make sure that you provide a very focused benefit component that specifically defines how the product will solve the problem or meet the specific need of a customer.
  •   Review your current questioning and listening strategy. Are you asking enough questions with every client to be able to offer a solution that will clearly address their needs?

When asked to a group of saleswomen, “How many of you have had customers leave because of price but come back because the level of service they received from others was not what they got from you?" Eighty percent raised their hands.

So I told the 80 percent who raised their hands to ask those clients why they left for a better price and why they came back for better service. You can use this feedback when confronted with price objections. Also, find out what else they gained from spending a little more money with you--what are the long-term effects of doing business with you, and how does that offset the initial investment?

Compared to most jewelry out there… price IS one of our advantages, that's great. But remember, you need something that keeps the competition away and secures your relationships for the future. I remember seeing this sign:

Price, Service, Quality (Please pick two)
If you choose to lower your price, something else will suffer. No matter how tough the market gets, you'll have to stick to your principles to sell the value that differentiates you from your competition.

Simply put, if you want to sell value to your customer instead of being forced to discount price to close deals, the most important thing to remember is not to lead with product features and deals, because customers don’t by products (jewelry). Instead, they buy solutions that will give them the outcomes they need to make their fashion and attractiveness more appreciated. Therefore, before you can present them with an attractive solution, you must be certain that you understand the customer’s “hot buttons” so you can connect that solution back to the customer’s most important goals and desired outcomes. Mialisia designers more than anyone else….you or your customers should never think for a second that our jewelry is priced too high as long as you are face to face with them to explain your product/concept. I personally believe our jewelry is priced too low for what we really offer customers! But I understand the value of what our product and opportunity really is. Do you? Then you better determine this before your next home party.

Just know this, YOU have every reason in the world to have confidence that you have absolutely no competition out there in this industry. Period! You simply offer the very best quality jewelry at the lowest possible price….now that’s value!!

Good Luck Team!

Dave Nabrotzky

Mialisia Executive National Designer


Welcome to The Diamond Team

Mialisia Team Diamond

1) Stay positive and share things that would only inspire, help, and educate others. I embrace this quote "Keep your face always toward the sunshine - and shadows will fall behind you.” Let us not look for chinks in each other's armor. We all have them, Mialisia has them...so let's agree that as a team we are positive and forward thinking.  I am not discouraging communication. It just needs to be in the right forum and with the right approach. Remember we are a family and we have each other's back!
2) Share stories, experiences, successes, ideas, etc.  I don't take these as patting yourself on the back. Companies hire PR firms to share info so people know of the good things and not be drown out by the rare misfortune. If you try something and it worked with great success...let us know. If you tried something that didn't go how you wanted then simply state the situation and then we can jump in to offer ideas/resources. Group training calls are also good to share ideas. Personal and spiritual growth is even more important to me (and may I boldly say...important to you too) than any wealth. So selectively share personal growth experiences and not just ideas on how to have a better home party. 
3) Finally...let's have a ton fun together and par-tay! As the saying goes..."I'd rather lay on the beach with the one I love...than live in a mansion all by myself". From day#1 here...I envisioned:
a) Team Diamond as a family of leaders who is being gathered from all over the world for a special purpose(s). There is strength in numbers. The Lord teaches that when two or three are gathered together in my name, there am I in the midst of them. Whether Christian or not...we can all at least agree that it feels great to part of something bigger than ourselves and that only only He who is on higher ground...can lift others to better things. Some days, we need to lift and some days we need to be lifted. In either case above....if a hand of fellowship isn't extended then no one is served, right?
b) Team Diamond will focus on growth and success by giving every designer (one by one) the tools, accountability, and E.P.R. that we all need.  Yes....numbers are key to give us a "report card" on how we are doing in business. But behind every number is a person and a story. When we take time to really get to the root of the issue or a concern or bad habits....then we can more effectively change the outcome. Ezra Taft Benson said, "The Lord works from the inside out. The world works from the outside in. The world would take the people out of the slums. Christ would take the slums out of people, and then they would take themselves out of the slums. The world would mold men by changing their environment. Christ changes men, who then change their environment. The world would shape human behavior, but Christ can change human nature.
FYI....E.P.R stands for Encourage, Praise, Recognize and you will hear me say this acronym often.

Enough said....let's go do something historic in our cities, states, country, world, and within ourselves! And oh yeah.....LET'S GET TO WORK!!!

Wanna Make money? 3x3x3 = Six-figure income



To learn more or to enroll go to http://HookedOn.Mialisia.com

Dave Nabrotzky (Executive National Designer-Corporate Direct)
MialisiaJewelry@gmail.com 615-478-1536

Mialisia Training Update

I love Team Diamond. Thanks to all who helped train. Thanks for those who asked questions. And thanks to everyone for listening and coming to the table to learn with eagerness, passion, but also humility. What we learned tonight:

1) Sean loves it when he joins our calls and the ladies all scream at the top of your lungs. It was a dream of his all throughout high school. You will find that he will join more of our calls if we greet and welcome him with screams. Trust me on this one :) LOL

2) Be a "Student of the Business". Take 100% responsibility for your success and failures. Tap into resources all around you but remember the phrase quoted often by one of my idols, Monte Holms, "If it is meant to be.....it is up to ME"! Read, study, ponder,  and internalize the Mialisia Training Manual which is the foundation of this business success system....then put it to work thru action!

3) Begin the Fast Start Program "Infinite 8" which is to enroll 8 designers direct your first 8 weeks and earn a highly sought after carrying bag for your kit that will make you scream with excitement when you see it. Trust me...my ears are still ringing from the ladies on our executive team when it was designed and revealed. Second part of the program is having 8 fashion events with a total retail sales of $4000 (which is simply about $500 avg each home party). Completing both challenges earns you the same bag but filled with Mialisia swag that you will love!

4) Free shipping will be discussed by corporate in 90 days. But the inkling is that the free shipping may phase out and will instead be used at different times throughout the year to create urgency and help us promote and drive sales. What we know for sure...for the next 90 days....all orders $40 or more of product (not supplies or kits) will be free for customers and designers.

5) P&Ps will be adjusted and rewritten to clearer portray that nothing has changed with the policy regarding working with another DS company and selling their products too. You just cant co-mingle booths and shows or recruiting. It should have been worded clearer and will be updated. But you are not out of compliance by continuing those pursuits. Sean always wanted you to have flexibility and choices. Just be wise and use good judgement and you will be fine.

5) Never stop recruiting but start thinking production and what are the I.P.A. (Income Producing Activities) that will put money your pocket. Balance learning with working. Dont think there is only way way to be successful. For example, if your Facebook page hasn't taken off...don't sweat it. It is just one of the tools you have. Share ideas and reach out and ask for help if you are not getting the results you want. The opportunity for ALL to make lots of money is here....you just need to always be teachable, find the resources and people to mentor you with proven advice, along with the determination to never give up...keeping focused on why you joined this opportunity and make your dream a reality!

6) Last thing we learned was that Dave has A.D.D. and can be forgetful. I neglected to turn time over to Tammy Brown to announce our final roll out of the BlingTime leads tomorrow. We are ready to give those out now that online stores are up. I asked Tammy to email each winner of the June contest and she will provide you several leads as well as a sample script to email and videos that will help intro Mialisia to these past loyal customers of Annelise. You must however, find the post from a few hours ago and state "yes" if you were here for that contest and if you earned the leads. Thanks for your patience on this. Good luck! We will post a flyer tonight for the team contest that gives you a chance to spend a day with your Mialisia Executive National (Trish Nabrotzky) and Mialisia Founder/CEO (Annelise Brown) at a day spa getting to know them and getting pampered all day.

Good night, my brothers and sisters of Mialisia!!!

Tonight's training call can be heard at

Mialisia Designer Bootcamp in Nashville Aug 23-24

To Enroll as a Designer or to learn more go to Mialisia Website


Mialisia Designers....Have You Ever Peed Your Pants?

If you have A.D.D and this is too much text then skip to the attached photo at the bottom and bypass the hot and steamy details below....

Have you ever been worried about laughing so hard or getting so excited that you accidentally....... pee your pants? 

Check this out: How fun is it to wake up and see that in the last couple of days I had $613 of unsolicited orders from the online store http://HookedOn.Mialisia.com? I don't even know who these customers are. I made $214.55 while I was sleeping the last 2 nights. If this never grew but just stayed consistent....I would make $3218 each month or $38,619 per year. Now imagine what will happen when I really advertise in the US....and then what happens when I advertise around the world. Then imagine what happens in 3 weeks when my website will take my online orders (after I transfer their contact info that) and will send an autoreponse with a 30 second quick video within 24 hours thanking my customer for their business. How cool! Then once they are in the system, how cool will this be once I show my Team Diamond family that I can set up auto campaigns that go out at set intervals (like a month before Christmas or Mother's Day) and it comes as an email with attached video or promotion for the month)....think of the additional sales you will get over the years with this once you have entered 10,000 emails from trade shows and parties you have collected.

So check this out.....if I hired the same amount of personal designers (my level 1's) the rest of the year and if my online sales never grew but continued the same pace...then my income without even doing a home party or a trade show or downline commissions...That's $50,000 annual income with never leaving my home. What stay-at-home-mom can't get excited about that? Are you kidding? Just for $599 (supplies and jewelry at 65% off of $1600 value). And you don't have to pay $3000 for a website design...instead you it is free for year one and less than $10/month after that.

1) Now imagine if you hired 3 people only. And you taught those how to each hire three people and you taught those how to each hire three people. That gives you 39 designers in YOUR COMPANY
2) Now imagine if each designer only had time to do one home party a month at $1000 in retail sales. That pays you another $9400 each month in commission and that is if you all stopped recruiting.
3) Now imagine if each designer did a trade show twice a year. At $3000 in retail sales that pays another $2100/yr just on your personal sales. And your down-line commission is about $20K from that

Add online sales+$50 enrollment bonuses+trade shows = $70K annual income or almost $6K per month on a very part time basis.

Wanna pee your pants with excitement NOW?!?!?

Imagine if your team of 39 each got 3 more recruits the next month...now you have over 150 designers. Go ahead and work out the annual income on that and try as hard as you can to hold "it" in, smile, and say out loud...oh my gosh....this is incredible....hunny....you gotta quit your job and work this business with me. If we both did this side by side we could $140K just in year one and thats before Dave takes us global!!

To which you peeked his interest...so he walks over to you and says two things:
First, "Why do you smell like pee?" and second comment will be "WOW....let's do this, babe!!!!"

Plan, prioritize, execute, follow up. Then make money and have fun!

If you have not enrolled...do so now at http://HookedOn.Mialisia.com

or contact Dave at MialisiaJewelry@gmail.com

Mialisia update from Corporate Aug 5 2013

August 5, 2013

To our phenomenal Designers,

First-wave Kit Designers:
  • Necklace forms will be shipping to those who have their kits on August 12. We apologize that these were not included in kits; we did not want to delay shipment of these kits any longer.
  • Thank you, again, for all of your help on the websites and back office. Your patience and feedback have been tremendously helpful in getting the sites ready to take on another thousand Designers, which will happen in just a few short weeks. The feedback button should now be working, so please continue to send us your suggestions.

Second-wave Kit Designers:
  • Kits are still scheduled to ship in a few weeks. Websites will go live on the day cards are charged, and the kits will ship out in the days following. We will send out an email 5 days prior to charging your cards. If you have any questions or concerns about your kit charge, please contact customer support at 1-877-831-7111, or support@mialisia.com.

  • The last date to get the Complete Fashion Event Kit at $499 is this Tuesday, August 6th at 11:59 pm. At that time, the early enrollment discount will no longer be available, and the kits will be priced at $599. The kit contents will not change, however, so the kits will still be valued at $1600.
  • Orders for discounted or free items—earned through the success of a Fashion Event—do  not count toward Qualifying Volume (which counts toward rank achievements) or Commissionable Volume (which counts toward your downline commission payments.) Additionally, Fashionista and Designer coupons apply to the retail price per item, not your 65% wholesale price.
  • You have 10 days left to get $150 of free jewelry when you enroll for our leadership conference. We will still be taking enrollments after that time, but you must enroll by August 15 for the jewelry gift.  You can enroll by visiting http://www.cvent.com/d/7cqydv and clicking “Register.”

Thank you!


Mialisia Ideas for inventory, trade shows, etc

Mialisia Team Diamond
Ideas for trade shows, inventory, etc

Purchase or rent a raffle wheel. Sure you may give away $100-$200 in giveaways but look at picture #2 which shows literally women waiting in line 30+ min and backed up around the corner just for a handful of gum/candy. Imagine doing this for 4 days and requiring each person before they spin the wheel to sign up for your monthly newsletters. We have lists 1000+ from just this simple idea. One show we actually went to local businesses and franchises and got them to donate coupons and things...free hamburger, free ice cream cone, buy one get one free, etc. Many corporations have a marketing budget for donations and would love the opportunity to have someone hand out their coupons and indirectly get free advertising. Win-win-win

 The line for this raffle was 30 min. of a wait and I counted at one time over 48 women standing in line (after walking an entire huge convention hall)

 Here was one of our 10x10 booths and how we displayed and hung the jewelry. Then we had inventory of our best selling items in plastic totes with lids and labels.

 Here is what we stored our charms and such with the former Jewelry company. 

Here were the plastic totes and labels we brought to the trade shows

Here is just a small sample of the beads that we used to make the jewelry of our former company. This represents about 1/20th of what we have. Anyone wanna buy beads? Find a wholesale bead buyer to buy it all and I will give 20% commission to you :) This represents probably $50K retail of beads that I am selling for $20K since we are not hand-making the jewelry anymore and I want to get ride of the inventory. 

Just a sample of jewelry inventory. We built a simple wood structure from 2x4s and then used hooks that slide in between the slats and it held an enormous amount of necklace inventory. We also had similar (bit smaller) displays on wheels that could be easily transported.  

More ways we stored the jewelry inventory. Note we are unpacking so our floor is normally seen and not an obstacle course. Now our family room with 6 kids is another story as far as organizing and ability to see the floor at any given time. 

I love Mialisia. Here is an older picture of our growing team of 200+ designers along with their pics and city and state they reside in.