
Mialisia Team Diamond

1) Stay positive and share things that would only inspire, help, and educate others. I embrace this quote "Keep your face always toward the sunshine - and shadows will fall behind you.” Let us not look for chinks in each other's armor. We all have them, Mialisia has them...so let's agree that as a team we are positive and forward thinking.  I am not discouraging communication. It just needs to be in the right forum and with the right approach. Remember we are a family and we have each other's back!
2) Share stories, experiences, successes, ideas, etc.  I don't take these as patting yourself on the back. Companies hire PR firms to share info so people know of the good things and not be drown out by the rare misfortune. If you try something and it worked with great success...let us know. If you tried something that didn't go how you wanted then simply state the situation and then we can jump in to offer ideas/resources. Group training calls are also good to share ideas. Personal and spiritual growth is even more important to me (and may I boldly say...important to you too) than any wealth. So selectively share personal growth experiences and not just ideas on how to have a better home party. 
3) Finally...let's have a ton fun together and par-tay! As the saying goes..."I'd rather lay on the beach with the one I love...than live in a mansion all by myself". From day#1 here...I envisioned:
a) Team Diamond as a family of leaders who is being gathered from all over the world for a special purpose(s). There is strength in numbers. The Lord teaches that when two or three are gathered together in my name, there am I in the midst of them. Whether Christian or not...we can all at least agree that it feels great to part of something bigger than ourselves and that only only He who is on higher ground...can lift others to better things. Some days, we need to lift and some days we need to be lifted. In either case above....if a hand of fellowship isn't extended then no one is served, right?
b) Team Diamond will focus on growth and success by giving every designer (one by one) the tools, accountability, and E.P.R. that we all need.  Yes....numbers are key to give us a "report card" on how we are doing in business. But behind every number is a person and a story. When we take time to really get to the root of the issue or a concern or bad habits....then we can more effectively change the outcome. Ezra Taft Benson said, "The Lord works from the inside out. The world works from the outside in. The world would take the people out of the slums. Christ would take the slums out of people, and then they would take themselves out of the slums. The world would mold men by changing their environment. Christ changes men, who then change their environment. The world would shape human behavior, but Christ can change human nature.
FYI....E.P.R stands for Encourage, Praise, Recognize and you will hear me say this acronym often.

Enough said....let's go do something historic in our cities, states, country, world, and within ourselves! And oh yeah.....LET'S GET TO WORK!!!

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